trait1. trait2. trait3.

In The Beginning...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et tortor velit. Nam ornare tristique egestas. Aliquam nec lorem tincidunt, posuere enim vitae, euismod magna. Etiam vel eros tellus. Phasellus mattis, massa ac dignissim lacinia, purus nisl posuere eros, quis pulvinar ex sem sed ante. In convallis lectus in consectetur tincidunt. Fusce vel porta nulla, ac bibendum eros. Nulla luctus tincidunt lectus eu sodales. Vestibulum vehicula lorem non ante facilisis, nec elementum velit pellentesque. Donec eget lacus vehicula, laoreet ante ut, consectetur felis. Phasellus dictum efficitur ipsum id molestie. Quisque venenatis nulla lacus, vitae placerat dui ullamcorper sit amet. Proin at facilisis lacus. Pellentesque feugiat lorem lacus, et gravida nibh convallis eget. Nam porttitor vestibulum est quis tempor. Suspendisse at purus a mauris varius vehicula.

Integer est ante, sollicitudin in dignissim eget, dapibus in dui. Nullam eu vehicula metus. Nunc a ultricies ligula. Duis non ipsum euismod urna tempor mollis. Suspendisse quis pharetra eros. Morbi sagittis, ante eu scelerisque mollis, mauris metus consequat metus, iaculis pharetra eros sapien eget arcu. Suspendisse aliquam accumsan diam sed elementum. Duis porta odio at nisi pretium, vel venenatis dui molestie. Mauris euismod ante quis elit tempor placerat. Nullam scelerisque semper odio nec viverra. Nam dapibus eget dui ut sagittis. Suspendisse vehicula magna a arcu gravida mollis. Nullam fermentum turpis id tortor egestas, eu semper diam lobortis. Nunc non sapien ipsum. Vivamus et est ac felis placerat imperdiet. Morbi a urna nec ante dictum lobortis eu sit amet nisl.


played by simplylight

Some days you are standing at the precipice of the wildest journey of your life. Other days you are nestled into the warmth of good friends and your cozy weather of choice. This life is full of surprises, yes, but it is also full of soft moments that are so often overlooked. Birdtumble never imagined himself embracing the quiet so naturally. His mother always described him as a wild tom with big goals and a free spirit. There are many days he tries to remember when and where that adventurous soul sauntered off. Even at his youthful age, Birdtumble reflects on his life as if he has been alive for centuries. Quiet and inquisitive, his silence and coat of soft black fur have earned him a mysterious stereotype, not a wild one. It is as if somewhere along the winding river of his life he died and was replaced by a cat with similar features but the opposite personality than his parents and comrades describe. Maybe it was the responsibility suddenly placed on a cat so young? The unfortunate passing of young parents and being the eldest of their offspring sometimes means growing up too fast. He's never expressed any bitterness towards that role he was so harshly given by life, but instead just a quiet sadness that lingers in the eyes as he watches his siblings and wishes he could have done more for them. Small in stature with almond-shaped brown eyes, it is not surprising where Birdtumble got his name. His suffix came from something his mother used to say. "A little crow that has tumbled from his nest," is what she would call him. It was only fitting that after his parents death that he was given that name. Don't let the sad story weigh you down. He has never been one for pity and has always embraced kindness as a way to cope rather than wallow in sorrow. However, due to his quiet nature, many of those that do not know him believe him to be heartless and cold. It's a belief he doesn't bother to dispute. If it means that his clan stays protected by others believing it's home to cold and dark cats, then sure. Protecting those soft, warm moments with his clan is his priority rather than meddling in the affairs of others.

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senior warriors
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played by blanket
Play me like a fiddle with the strings of my love, manipulate me with the devotion blinding my eyes. There is no greater shame than his own, no greater regrets than those of his younger years. Innocence ripped away by a cruel fate and second chances squandered under the rampaging feet. There isn't much left of him that once was when he was young, sharpened to a point with scar tissue too thick to allow him to truly regain what he lost. Where once he was once incandescent he is now shaded behind bitter sneers and fierce glares. Once you've shattered something to pieces it will never quite be the same. His actions are painted with the history of his pasts and carry and edge that is hard for him to consciously dull. Often he keeps quiet, his long golden and white fur giving a gentle almost unconnected appearance; as if his soul has long since reached peace, baby blue eyes shaded with thoughts not in the present. But then he opens his mouth or listens to the others around him and can't resist a sneer and the image is shattered into broken glass at his feet. His heart is not cruel but his actions are curled with thorns, squeezing through will leave scars and paint the developing relationship in blood spilt with their beginnings. Only the most stubborn cats can withstand this toms temper and sharp tongue. So far the loneliness he has built around him as yet to be broken, and the shadows that follow him are as dark as ever.
played by rhapsodic
Honeyed words paired with a gruff tone and stoic eyes. Warmth, like a father who might be a little too stern at times, but means well. He is these things without much effort, a cat to turn to when in need of life-changing advice, for he will never tell you nothing but the truth, even if it leaves a mark. At glance, he appears nothing more than a warrior through and through with little other detail to note other than his somewhat grumpy appearing exterior. There may be some merit to that, as he has little family and a small circle he interacts with regularly. Get to know him though and you'll understand why he is loved and viewed to be much gentler than he appears. Timbrewood has a soothing, tenor voice that might be his most noteworthy feature. His build is stocky and strong, muscle under think dark brown tabby fur. White accents his paws, chest, nose and muzzle, as well as his flanks and belly. His eyes are a yellow-green shift, leaning more to the yellow tones with amber flecks. The light heavily changes the colors and in darker lighting they take on a more green glow. Timbrewood isn't very open with himself personally, a downside to being a cat whom some rely on for opinions. Yet if there was one secret of his to share, its that he desires family most. For now he settles to be there for whoever needs a shoulder to lean on.
played by Hinata
An orange tabby tom with green eyes that seem to be in a perpetual state of grogginess. Memoriesadrift's favorite hobby is to sleep and he spends most of his time lazing around the clearing of the clans he occupies dozing in the sunlight or moonlight. To most memories are something that was gifted at birth and comes naturally. Every experience permanently etched into the brain until the day their final breath is drawn. To Memoriesadrift though, memories are fleeting and rare. The journeys he has gone through are not etched into his brain as everlasting reminders, but are moments that come and go like the waves in the ocean. The stories that he reminisces change from day to day like the tide on the shore. He could be telling the heroic story of how he fought off a hawk in his youth to save his sister to a few eager kits, but then a few hours later insist that he never was a kit and never had a sister when the same kits bring him new eager faces to retell the same tale. Maybe this is why Memoriesadrift prefers living in an eternal state of dreaming. After all, his life and memories can be anything he choose in the dreamworld. He can live the life he never gets to remember and no one will question why he doesn’t recall the dreams he’s had once the sun rises. After all, how many people truly remember what they have experienced every time they close their eyes? Even if he was questioned about the life he lives while asleep they wouldn’t get much of a straight answer from Memoriesadrift. He often comes off as aloof when drilled about his actions and has a roundabout way of giving a non-answer. As a result many believe Memoriesadrift simply uses his condition as a means to be selfish and careless. Ultimately though, Memoriesadrift truly does care about those he has grown close to and treasures the short amount of time he gets to recall the moments he’s shared with those he calls friends. He hates his inability to remember the memories his friends are lucky to remember and becomes openly frustrated when someone dares to ask him the question “remember when…”. This leaves many wondering what truly caused this tom’s mind to malfunction. Could it be the knot atop his head that seems to never shrink? or could it be some traumatic memories that he cannot bear to relive? The questions may never be answered, and maybe there is a hidden part of him that doesn’t want the questions answered. As this tom endlessly drifts from home to home, never staying in one place for too long despite the bonds he has forged. Even when confronted by his former clan mates on his abandonment they’re often met with a puzzled expression. He never lived there, after all, or did he?
played by Hinata
Tenderwrath is a orange and gray calico Scottish Fold tom that has short stubby legs with a body that ripples with muscles. Tenderwrath doesn't have the appearance of a threatening tom with anger issues. Instead he appears to be an innocent teddy bear like tom with wide piercing golden eyes and folded ears that press against his skull. Looks can be deceiving though. Underneath the wholesome appearance is a tom who has trust issues and struggles with outbursts of anger. Anyone who mistakenly triggers Tenderwrath could be met with an intense show of rage and an golden gaze that seems to boil straight through your skin. Once the anger subsides Tenderwrath becomes more gentle and vulnerable. Often following his meltdown with a huffed apology and clear signs of embarrassment. It is clear to most that he doesn't like to show this side of himself and is mostly an unconscious effort to protect himself. Not many people know about Tenderwrath's background, but he grew up in the city as a loner and used to be a part of a gang of rogues before eventually being caste out for unknown reasons. Tenderwrath doesn't like to talk about his past and usually becomes easily triggered when the topic is brought up. One of Tenderwrath's favorite hobbies is stargazing and wishing upon passing comets. This hobby is what led Tenderwrath to wanting to join Nightclan so that he can participate in his hobby on a more regular basis, but that changed when Nightclan was driven from their home. Not being able to find a place to enjoy the hobby like he once did, he eventually found comfort in Hollowclan picking up the new hobby of watching the glow of the fireflies.
played by Hinata
A burly tabby tom with thick fur, a southern accent, and gentle light brown eyes. Rustichills, previously named Rustic, grew up on a farm south of the clans and lived as a barn cat hunting mice for his farmer. Rustichills was close to his owner and enjoyed his time being the caretaker of the barn. He cared about the horses, cows, pigs, and other farm animals that inhabited his area. He also cared about the old farmer that would stop every morning to greet him and thank him for all his hard work. This is why it was such a surprise to Rustichills when his owner sold the property but left Rustic behind. The final morning Rustic saw his owner was for his daily pat on the head and this time, a promise to proudly serve the next family who made the farm their home. Rustic was all for honoring the promise until the new family decided to tear down the old farmhouse and barn to build new structures on property. Rustic ended up leaving, not wanting to witness the destruction of his home, and traveled north through forests and wild life to discover a new home. Eventually he came across Hollowclan, and feeling as if he meshed well with the other cats in the clan decided that maybe Hollowclan was where he was meant to live out the rest of his days. Rustichills has a jolly personality and is quick to welcome a new face. Although always friendly to everyone, Rustichills can be noticeably different towards strangers by having a quiet and observant domineer. This is because Rustichills is always leery of new people, but the quietness doesn't last long as he is quick to warm up and is eager to help when needed.
played by desolate
The dusk is the peaceful call of natures rest. The world starts to cascade into darkness that then lulls the waking life into a peaceful slumber. Careful to let the world wind down this is a time for peace. Everything retreats into the safety of their sleeping chambers, plants hugging themselves to retain their warmth, mothers soothing their restless young. This is when we leave ourselves the most vulnerable. This is when the ghosts wake to come out and play, to haunt the souls unable to find their rest. The darkness is what comes to play games with you mind - leaving bouts of insanity to seep into your vulnerable mind. Night is when Verdantdusk feels the safest. Here he doesn't have to worry about offending someone with his opinion, or his lack of empathy to their petty issues. Verdantdusk is not the type to care for the small issues and drama. He is a take action kind of guy who will not sit by when there is work to be done. He is not an easy cat to approach as his appearance is rather rugged and messy. He isn't unkept but he has seen his fair share of rough patches and it shows. in some places his fur just doesn't stay down, giving him this tough appearance. His white coat is never dirty tho mind you. He takes good care of himself and if he ever forgets his brother or sister are always there to keep him in line. He is most similar to his sister Blossomtwilight, and its easy to see how they are related. The one that always shocks cats is his brother Gladiousdawn. Him and his brother are opposites in more ways then one, and sometimes he can't wrap around why people like his brother so much. Their only resemblance is their pale green eyes.
played by desolate
The dawn is when life starts to wake up. It's the start of another new day brimming with endless possibilities and promises. A call to life to fall back into motion after standing still for so long. The way that the warm morning sun warms and heats up the vast greens of the wild. But everything is darkest before the dawn. This is the case for a tom with dawn in his name. For such a bright personality, his coat is darker then any night you've ever seen. A black mass with striking pale green eyes. Gladiolusdawn is a tom of his words. If he says he will do something for you, you can count it as done. He never breaks a promise and is always ready to leap into action of any kind. A complete 180 of his brother Verdantdusk, he is a very socialable cat. He is very warm and welcoming, inviting to all regardless of who they are or where they have been. He is a very proudful cat who takes his duties as a warrior serious. He can be very serious if the mood strikes, but he is always never one to hesitate to take over for a queen and entertain the kits so they can get some rest. With a warm smile he will never turn down a cat in need of help. He Gladiolusdawn is pretty close with his sister Blossomtwilight and the two of them are often seen together. He is rather concerned about his brother Verdantdusk is he is to be comp0letley honest, as he is less social then him and his sister.
played by lavellan
I am the one that will challenge this world. If arrogance were a sin, Gildedcrown would be the biggest sinner of them all. He owns the world - every treasure in existence belongs to him, he merely lets others use what is rightfully his. Everyone is below him, for he is a true king and nothing is greater than himself. Like a king, he separates himself from everyone around him. He is an observer, a neutral party who treats ‘good’ and ‘evil’ equally, and rarely gets himself involved in events occurring around him unless it directly affects him or those he has deemed as his. While it’s true that Gildedcrown is nearly incapable of having friends, that’s not to say that he doesn’t have a soft spot for others. Even a cat as egotistical as him is able to hold respect for those that he believes are worthy, and takes proper care of anyone under his ‘command’. Those that have great and impossible dreams, but never give up in working towards their goals are among those whom Gildedcrown favors - although he is the most patient and soft with kits. Still, it’s hard to forget who he normally is. He is a cat who believes he already has everything, and thus has no true dreams of his own. Everything that he doesn’t possess is merely because he has no current desire to own or achieve it - though, he would assure anyone that it wouldn’t take him much effort if he ever decided otherwise. His way of life and ideology has isolated him in the world, but why should he care? This attitude of believing he’s better has also caused him to be prone to underestimating others, and his ego prevents him from seeing true threats. The prefix of ‘Gilded’ does wonders to describe his beautiful and vibrant golden orange fur, and it’s truly a shame that such a beautiful cat has a personality like Gildedcrown’s, as he’s well aware of his splendor. His amber eyes always seem to be sparkling with laughter at a joke that only he is privy to.
played by Muffin
Scorchpad is a dark ginger Egyptian Mau she-cat with paler speckles, dust-brown chest, tail tip, and bright yellow eyes. She was born as a kittypet to Molly and Jason and was left in HollowClan territory. After being found, she was raised in HollowClan and has dedicated herself to her Clan. Her paws move as if she were stepping on hot coals, which gave way to her name change from Moltenpaw to Scorchpad. She can reach speeds to about thirty miles per hour. Scorchpad is strong-willed and has a big ego, sometimes she doesn't think things through which makes a big mess of things.
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Asterkit | bone
played by kuno
"Her wildness and untamed fierceness wasn't born of a free heart, but of one that had known despair so complete that living brightly, living violently, was the only way to outrun it." Asterbone is a fierce thrill seeker who truly seems to show no fear. Willing to challenge anyone for what she knows is right no matter what the consequences might be. Her pelt is a beautifully striking golden brown with darker tabby stripes and she has golden eyes just like her three sisters. Bold in all things, and loyal and tender to those she loves the most.
Blackkit | beak
played by NewYorkHaze
A sleek black she-cat with icy yellow eyes and a white tuft on her chest. Just as her eyes are frigid, so is her disposition. Cunning and highly competent, her natural talent for most things (e.g. hunting, fighting, etc.) makes her vain and judgmental of others, but also adept at masking it behind vague passive aggressive comments. She possesses little sympathy for pitiful creatures, incompetence, or eccentricity of any kind. Her respect, let alone loyalty, is seldom earned, but when it is, it's won for life or lost forever upon the slightest mistake. She is a perfectionist, holding others to a high bar but herself to an even higher one. While she is friend to few, she loves her family dearly. Although she is kinder, more loyal, and more accepting of her sisters, her remarks can still be cutting and she often finds herself having to apologize to them, albeit begrudgingly. She has two simple fears: failure and losing loved ones, and she will do anything to prevent them from happening. She has a hard time understanding others and their needs, but ultimately tries to be a better cat, if not for the sake of her family or her clan.
Vanillakit | mouse
played by Hinata
Vanillamouse is a solid-white she-cat with a mouse-like appearance, abnormally rounded ears, and dark navy blue eyes. Not much is known about the history of Vanillamouse, and she likes to keep it that way. All that is truly known is that her mother told her stories of Winterclan as a kit, which eventually led to her joining Winterclan when she was still young. Vanillamouse doesn't talk much about her family, but it's obvious based on her attitude towards them that something happened that helped fuel Vanillamouse's decision to leave them behind. She appeared outside the camp frost bitten and cold to the touch having somehow pushed her tiny body through the snow. Most journeys of that nature would cause emotional trauma for such a young kit, but Vanillamouse was back playing in the snow and declaring her love for it once well enough to leave the witch's den. Vanillamouse is a bit of an introvert, opting to spend her time watching the fall of the snow and taking daily walks around the Winterclan territory. Even though she doesn't allow herself to become close to many people, she does care about Winterclan and the people who inhabit it. When Winterclan fell is when Vanillamouse felt her entire world collapse into itself. The journey was long and grueling, similar to the journey she made to Winterclan. Her love for the snow taken by the Wraiths, she decided to settle down with Hollowclan as her soul became hollow soon after the move.
Foxkit | haze
played by ILoveYou
Bright red fur, a face that looks like a fox, a tail fluffy like a fox's as well. Dark brown eyes, that seem to see everything around him. A cat who seems to have or at least not show fear. Having been brought up by his Father Foxhaze was taught to never let his emotions show, or let them get in the way. He was basically raised a soldier. Foxhaze doesn't know his Mother and his Father never talks about her. It is assumed that his Mother was some gang member who died to protect her Gang, but the real truth is that her father killed his Mother and took over the Clawgang. Once Foxhaze turned 3 Moons old. His father kicked him out of his home. Foxhaze wandered the streets and forest, until he came up on the cats living at the Sunset Grove. He joined the group and now learning the ways of being in a group. He would eventually join Hollowclan, as a kit. From there, he would learn all he can about the clan, and will learn to face life without fear. He works hard and dedicates his life for the clan that took him in.
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