Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et tortor velit. Nam ornare tristique egestas. Aliquam nec lorem tincidunt, posuere enim vitae, euismod magna. Etiam vel eros tellus. Phasellus mattis, massa ac dignissim lacinia, purus nisl posuere eros, quis pulvinar ex sem sed ante. In convallis lectus in consectetur tincidunt. Fusce vel porta nulla, ac bibendum eros. Nulla luctus tincidunt lectus eu sodales. Vestibulum vehicula lorem non ante facilisis, nec elementum velit pellentesque. Donec eget lacus vehicula, laoreet ante ut, consectetur felis. Phasellus dictum efficitur ipsum id molestie. Quisque venenatis nulla lacus, vitae placerat dui ullamcorper sit amet. Proin at facilisis lacus. Pellentesque feugiat lorem lacus, et gravida nibh convallis eget. Nam porttitor vestibulum est quis tempor. Suspendisse at purus a mauris varius vehicula.

Integer est ante, sollicitudin in dignissim eget, dapibus in dui. Nullam eu vehicula metus. Nunc a ultricies ligula. Duis non ipsum euismod urna tempor mollis. Suspendisse quis pharetra eros. Morbi sagittis, ante eu scelerisque mollis, mauris metus consequat metus, iaculis pharetra eros sapien eget arcu. Suspendisse aliquam accumsan diam sed elementum. Duis porta odio at nisi pretium, vel venenatis dui molestie. Mauris euismod ante quis elit tempor placerat. Nullam scelerisque semper odio nec viverra. Nam dapibus eget dui ut sagittis. Suspendisse vehicula magna a arcu gravida mollis. Nullam fermentum turpis id tortor egestas, eu semper diam lobortis. Nunc non sapien ipsum. Vivamus et est ac felis placerat imperdiet. Morbi a urna nec ante dictum lobortis eu sit amet nisl.


played by baewolf

If a hurricane was given a solid form, it would be this she-cat. While at the first glance, she is small and soft, but one she opens her mouth her power is know. Her swagger and charisma could turn mate from mate, the power in her voice one to raise legions in her wake. She's a storm, powerful and deadly, destroying everything in her wake.If you've wronged her, cross your fingers. You don't know when it will break, but once that storm stars it's buildup, you know something will happen. While she is known to be hotheaded and brash, Coastcurl is also known for her calm wisdom, her eye for justice and the right and wrong. She is one for very much letting nature decide the path of your paws, weather in life or punishment.Small in stature, she's still a force of her own. Cloaked in storm cloud colored fur, her belly is broken in a snowy white, dappled of it coming up across her shoulders like rouge snowflakes. Her most striking feature are her eyes, a blue the color of the sky before a storm. A smokey blue, a ring of white fur around each making them even more prominent. While stern, she is kind and willing to lay her life down her her Clan and those she loves. Her sarcasm and wit is known throughout the land, all she wants is to find someone to embrace the burn on her tongue.

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senior warriors
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played by baewolf
played by kuno
An ethereal ivory and silver tabby she-cat with blue-green eyes that almost seem a little eerie. Her form is not the only thing that is fleeting and lithe about her. She is an expert at not being seen until she wants to be. That is why her gaze can be a little disturbing because it's the only thing that doesn't blend in with her surroundings, and can sometimes be the only thing you see. She's quiet and sneaky, sly in ways that not many realize until they get to know her. Mountainshiver is smart, calculating, and can be almost vengeful when she wants to be. A force to be reckoned with, internally and externally.
played by rhapsodic
If you mean to impress her, you best get started with whatever you mean to attempt to do to gain her favor. Glazechill is just as her name implies; icy. Her trademarks are snappy remarks and rolling her eyes. Not much garners her praise. It's rare to even hear her make a good remark about a piece of fresh kill, so one can imagine her compliments toward others are much like rare moon or eclipse cycles. And yet, she's not poorly regarded. Despite her snobby disposition, she rarely turns that personality to be an attack on others without warrant. Glazechill isn't a warm and bubbly cat, but she is no bully. Rather the opposite, in fact. She has low tolerance for anything she considers to be injustice, slander, or harassment. She'll be the first to call out behavior or words she doesn't like. Her confidence is what is most intimidating about her. She carries herself in a way that many cats wouldn't, especially at her young age. She has a long time to go before she'd even be close to being considered a senior warrior, yet the way she walks around camp and the reception she receives, you'd think she has that sort of title. Her appearance is striking, a soft creamy white pelt with calico markings on her face, ears, tail, and legs. The colors are softer and muted, not quite a dilute, but still eye-catching. Her eyes are ice blue and moon-like.
played by Whitemuzzle
A gray tabby with brown markings on his nose, neck, and front legs. He has pale green eyes. His lighter coloring gradually gets darker down his body to his tail. Stonefang is a serious cat and looks at life in an in-depth way. Nothing is insignificant or minor. Every matter must be weighed carefully. He has a few friends and he loves his clan very much. Stonefang is an excellent fighter but just an average hunter.
played by Hinata
A striped tabby tom with light brown eyes. Castaway has various scars across his body and one damaged eye from living as a stray in a city on another content. He fought often with the other strays over food and territory, showing his overprotective nature over his own resources. Castaway was eventually scooped up by the local pound after the damage was inflicted upon his eye where he spent a few moons in a kennel and being treated by the two-legs that worked there. Believing he was destined to grow old and die trapped at the pound, Castaway mellowed out as he grew older and accepted his fate before an older two-leg adopted him. This two-leg was a captain of a navy ship and would bring Castaway along with him on the boat when deployed. This started Castaway's love for the ocean where he was pampered by the army men on board the boat and learned a lot about the ocean when observing the hustle of the seamen. Although fate would have it that not all good things would last. A terrible storm hit while Castaway was deployed with his owner and as the waves crashed against the deck of the boat eventually one of the waves carried Castaway along with it. The tom fully anticipated on drowning, but instead he was able to grab a hold of a flotation device that had washed off the deck along with him. By the end of the day Castaway had washed up on the shore of an unknown land, and then wandered the unfamiliar lands until he found Mistclan hidden away behind a waterfall. Castaway is a tom with a short-temper and that has a strange way of talking. He is strong and protective over his belongings or those who treat him with respect. He is gruff and doesn't have a lot of patience for those who do not take their work seriously. He loves to spend his time watching the water flow and although he has accepted that his role is no longer being a part of the navy, his heart is still out at sea on the boat.
played by Hinata
Midnightgarden is a white and brown she-cat with glowing blue eyes. Midnightgarden is standoffish and clumsy. She has difficulty with keeping a conversation going and is often awkward when trying to make new friends. This makes it difficult for others to warm up to Midnightgarden and as a result Midnightgarden is often found on her own. Although Midnightgarden tries to appear as put together as possible, she is actually riddled with anxiety and depression. She struggles with her self-confidence and is very critical of any mistakes that she makes. Anything less than perfect is unacceptable to Midnightgarden. She grew up as a rogue in the city along with her mother and five younger siblings. Her mother had a difficult pregnancy that resulted in Midnightgarden and her sister being the only kits not born a stillborn. Her mother was heartbroken over the stillborn kits, but was determined to take care of her remaining two. At first Midnightgarden had an easy upbringing where she was constantly doted on and taken care of. She had a close relationship with her mother and often confided in her mother when she first started experiencing severe anxiety. Midnightgarden loved her sister unconditionally, even though they butted heads often, and the two of them would regularly explore the city when their mother would go to complete her daily duties. It was during one of these outings that Midnightgarden and her sister carelessly decided to race to the top of a two-leg structure. As the duo hopped from one metal beam to the next rain began to pour and caused her sister to slip on one of the metal railings. Midnightgarden watched in horror as her sister plummeted to her death. After this tragic accident her mother became more critical and demanding of Midnightgarden. She was to hunt for their food, find material to make their nests, and patrol the surrounding area of their home to ensure no other rogues tried to take what was theirs. Midnightgarden's mother wanted her to become stronger and learn to take care of herself, fearing that if she wasn't harsh and critical of Midnightgarden's mistakes then she could have a tragic end like her sister. Meanwhile, Midnightgarden's mother would be gone for hours or sometimes even days at a time with little explanation of what she had been doing. During one of these trips Midnightgarden's mother returned home pregnant and a few moons later Midnightgarden became the older sister to five siblings. After the birth of her mother's second litter Midnightgarden became the main caretaker of her brothers and sisters while her mother continued her mysterious journeys. She would hunt for them, clean their fur, ensure they had a warm place to sleep, and protect them from dangerous predators. All while her mom continued her harsh criticism and critiques for various mistakes she might have made along the way. As the kits became older Midnightgarden felt her mental health steadily decline before she eventually cracked under the pressure placed on her by her family. Eventually believing her family would be better without a screw-up, Midnightgarden left for her own journey for a few days, where she traveled the farthest reaches of the city to clear her mind and spirit. When returning Midnightgarden discovered her home in shambles and one of her siblings brutally murdered by a local group of rogues who had been wanting their territory in the city for awhile. This leads to Midnightgarden running away entirely before her mom can return to punish her. As she wandered the unfamiliar territories filled with trees and snow, she eventually falls down a waterfall and finds herself washed into a cavern behind it, thus her next adventure begins.
played by desolate
Her name is about as fitting as can be. Tsunamibeach is one of the most wild and beautiful she-cats you will ever come across in your lifetime. She is the realest and most down to earth you have ever seen. One simply can't sit down and explain her in one sitting, there is outstanding details you will always miss when you try and describe her to someone, and even more that you find out each time you interact with her. She is a storm that will take you by surprise and completely overshadow everything if given the chance, however she will always leave you with a beautiful feeling afterwards. She will never go out of her way to hurt someone, and will in fact do the opposite. She will continuously go above and beyond to try and make you day even the slightest bit better. Always ready to jump to any task given to her, she is one of the most reliable sources you will have. However this is also her biggest fault because sometimes she doesn't know her own limits and will end up pushing herself past the point of exhaustion. However when you catch her at the right time, she can be a very calm and quiet soul - waiting to listen and take the weight off your shoulders and carry it for a little while. She will always put her clan before herself and make sure that they are taken care of. Her fur is reminiscent of the sandy beachs after the tide has washed over them. Her muzzle and paws darker still as though she had just played in the mud. Its her golden eyes that seem to captivate everyone who meets her.
played by lavellan
There are some cats who you can easily tell exactly who they are just with a look. The intimidating presence of a strong warrior, the tender warmth of a mother, and the pure smile of a kit are all things that no one can doubt - just as no one can doubt who Cuddlycloud is. To say that she wears her heart on her shoulder is an understatement. Everyone who has ever interacted with her can attest to how considerate she is - though she’s too aloof to figure out why everyone around her seems to understand her so well. This small, fluffy she-cat seems to have never lost her kit-like innocence, if only she had the energy to match. As easy as it is to read her, finding her is an entirely different matter. Cuddlycloud suffers from an incredibly weak body and constantly seems to be tired, and so it’s not odd to find her sleeping in weird places. If it were up to her, she would love nothing more than to sleep while cuddled in the cloud’s embrace, but she knows that it will never happen. Even so, she can’t help it when her body decides that it can’t move another step without a nap. She falls asleep so suddenly sometimes, but often can’t remember falling asleep after she wakes up. Because of this, she believes that someone has been messing with her and moving her around somehow. But how do they do that without her noticing? Between this and her wonder at how others know her so well, it’s rather normal to see her in some sort of confused state. Just like her dream of cuddling the clouds, Cuddlycloud’s name fits her in a second way: her fluffy white and grey pelt is incredibly soft, quite similar to her namesake. Perhaps her dream may never come true, but she could certainly help others feel like they achieved it.
played by Muffin
Driftfall is a tall blueish-gray tabby tom with short fur, dark gray face markings, and pale brown eyes. He is a strong swimmer with silent paws. He tends to forget about other cats' boundaries and treats cats like kin. He has two older siblings from a separate litter and gets along with his sister, Myrtlewing, better than his brother, despite his best efforts.
played by Muffin
Harewind is a pale gray and white tabby tom with pale blue eyes. He is fast on his feet and has a good nose. His loyalty lies with his Clan before anything else, and he doesn't like most kits or apprentices. Stuck-up and full of pride for his Clan, he is ambitious to an almost unsafe level. He detests his younger brother, Driftfall, and keeps him at a distance, while he likes his littermate, Myrtlewing, at best.
played by M0NTAG
Boulderclaw is a large, dark grey-brown tom with a thick coat. He has pale green eyes and long claws.
Clanborn with a taste for battles, Boulderclaw is often engaged in conversations about Clan politics. He is ambitious but young and foolish, struggling to build strong bonds with his clanmates, as he often finds it difficult to sympathize with their concerns. He is regarded as Standoffish or awkward.
Boulderclaw is trying, however, to improve his image. For as snappy as the tom is, he really wants friends.
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played by Hinata
Mate: Starfruit (deceased)| Kits: Expecting

A small orange-striped devon rex with wide brown eyes and oversized ears. Papayaleaf had a childhood friend named Starfruit who lived with his mother nearby the camp that Payapaleaf had made with her father. Both being single children the two would spend their days playing while their parents would go out and hunt together. In time she would fall in love with Starfruit around apprentice age, and soon gained the courage to confess her feelings to Starfruit. Of course, the tom had similar feelings, and as they grew older they entered a relationship together. Their parents gave their children their blessing, and eventually both of them moved on to create their own path in life. As they settled down in a local forest they learned to take care of each other. They would hunt together, make their camp together, and would sleep together. As time went on Papayaleaf became pregnant with Starfruit's children and she was ecstatic to start their family. As life carried on for the two of them Papayaleaf was the happiest she had ever been in life. She loved her life with Starfruit, and most importantly she loved her unborn kits. Then tragedy would strike on a night that Papayaleaf and Starfruit went hunting before bed. The duo unknowingly came across The Wraiths. Before they had time to explain their situations The Wraiths attacked the couple. Starfruit put himself in-between the patrol and his mate, putting up a fight in defense of his mate and unborn kits. Papayaleaf had never been in a fight with other cats before, and for the first time felt fear seize her body. She wanted desperately to fight alongside her mate, who at this point was clearly losing and was now urging her to run. Although her heart told her not to listen and to launch herself into the fray, the fear was intense and Papayaleaf ran. Her heart pounding and tears streaking from her eyes she listened in agony to the fight occurring behind her, silently hoping that Starfruit would somehow win, until she heard the yowling behind her stop and the realization that he hadn't won hit her. Papayaleaf would soon sink into a deep depression as her entire world came crashing down. She would stop eating, stop drinking, and soon found herself stumbling in a daze from the grief until she wandered into Mistclan territory. They helped the emaciated she-cat and although she wanted desperately to die, she knew that the unborn kits in her belly was all she had left of her beloved. Now she strives to ensure their children stay safe, and she is determined to never allow fear to take anything from her ever again. Papayaleaf strives to be stronger, and under it all has an intense need to avenge Starfruit. Once kind and loving, Papayaleaf is now empty and broken, but she tries her best to not take her anger out on Mistclan knowing that her kits wouldn't have survived without their kindness. She tries her best to be an asset for them, but despite all they have done she has difficulty trusting in them and can't help but find herself constantly on guard. She tries to keep these fears hidden from her children though, not wanting them to have an upbringing where they distrust and fear their new home.
played by Muffin
Mate: Tigerdusk (deceased) | Kits: Expecting

Myrtlewing is a tall, pretty, light blueish-gray she-cat with white patches and pale blue eyes. She is a motherly and determined type who's always keeping an eye out for danger. Her fast, quiet paws make her a great hunter, although she lacks the will to harm weaker opponents in battle. Myrtlewing tries her hardest to keep peace between her two brothers, and cares for kits while expecting her own, who are fathered by Tigerdusk, a deceased MistClan Warrior.
played by username
Hazykit | song
played by NewYorkHaze
Fluffy grey she-cat with a flat, round face and a distinctive white stripe across one of her amber eyes; of persian descent. A pleasant and kind but eccentric feline with a distant look in her eyes. Easily distracted and engrossed in her own thoughts; seldom present with others. Very forgetful about most things and a terrible navigator, prone to getting lost or losing track of things. Dysfunctionally nostalgic and stuck in the past, having never come to terms with a very traumatic migration to the new territory and loss of loved ones. Despite her seemingly errant mind, she possesses a treasure trove of random knowledge and historical information (she somehow latches on to those sorts of things). She is a talented storyteller and could talk the ears off of any poor victim if they let her. Loves to collect information and investigate, sometimes to her detriment. Albeit not a genius, she is much smarter and more preceptive than cats give her credit for. Most of the time, she is quiet, reflective and cooperative, going through the motions of life without stepping on anyone's toes.
Strawberrykit | cream
played by Hinata
A rustic colored she-cat with twinkling orange eyes. Strawberrycream was born in Mistclan by a pregnant loner who died during childbirth. The only surviving kit of the litter, Strawberrycream grew to learn the customs and traditions of Mistclan. She is a gentle and kind she-cat with a bubbly and adventurous personality. Strawberrycream has always had a fascination of what lays beyond the waterfall and what other things she is missing out in the world. Even though she longs to leave the camp to explore, she still loves Mistclan and worries what her clanmates think of her silly little dreams. Although she knows there are plenty of other cats in Mistclan who adore the mysteries yet to be discovered, she recognizes they adore Mistclan more and that she might be marked a traitor should she ever leave to follow what her life desires. Not wanting to lose the only home she has ever known she keeps her dreams hidden under tight lock and tries her best to ignore the growing feeling that there is more to life then daily life in the clans.
Magpiekit | bird
played by ILoveYou
The last thing Magpiebird saw was his Father and Mother being killed by a gang of cats near the border of MistClan. The one month old kit, kept quiet as the gang of cats looked around, only to flee when a larger group of tough looking cats, came and drove them out. Magpiekit was found by one of them and taken back to camp, while the rest of the cats buried his parents.

They named him Magpiekit due to him being a tuxedo, just like a magpie. Later on when he earns his place as a warrior, he would take up the last name of 'Bird', due to being loyal, a great hunter, and flighty never settling down with just one mate and always doing more then he is asked to do.

Magpiebird, was born in the two-leg Place, near an abandoned barn, on January 5th, 2023. His family where moving and looking for a new place to be, when they got attacked. Magpiebird will do anything and everything for the Clan that saved his life.

Magpiebird is a lanky and small tuxedo tom-cat. His eyes are yellow-green eyes.
Silverkit | fish
played by ILoveYou
With a silver coat with dark blackish-grey spots, and green eyes, Silverfish, is what a true MistClan cat should look like. Slim build, with rippling muscles. She was born, November, 4th, 2022, near the river. Her parents where both loners who had been living in a reed bed. Upon MistClan settling into their home, Silverfish and her parents joined the Clan. Her Mother Coralreef and her Father Tunaflurry, died in a fight with a badger, 3 Months after joining the Clan. The clan took her in and have begun to raise her in their ways. Silverfish loves her Clan.

Silverfish would do anything for them. She works hard and is dedicated to the tasks given to her, be it hunting, leading a patrol, helping to heal someone or even being in charge while the Leader, deputy or healers are away, she will do her utmost best to full-fill the tasks given to her. Silverfish is an excellent swimmer, fisher, and has an optimistic, friendly bubbly, motherly and at times leader-like personality. She is a follower of the code and is a religious believer in StarClan. Her only wish is to die in service to her clan, to die fighting.

Fighting for the right of her Clan and there ways. To die fighting for her ancestors, and for her predecessors. Fighting for the right of her Clan and their ways. To die fighting for her ancestors, and for her predecessors. She knows what she wants and is willing to do everything in her powers to make it all come true. Like a fish she will swim until she can't swim anymore and the sea swallows her whole.
Sharpkit | nose
played by ILoveYou
◦ Sharpnose was born as JC on November / 8 / 2022, to two kitty-pet parents, Jace and Clary. He was the only kit to be born to the couple. From the time he was able to move around, Sharpnose was highly curious about everything. This curiosity often got him into trouble with the two-legs and his Mother. At 3 Moons old his curiosity would lead him to find the Clans and to be taken in. He had been outside playing in the garden, when he began to chase after a butterfly. Without a care or common sense, the kit left the house and made his way into the wild.

◦ He ran into the misty forest and lost track of the butterfly and direction. He walked around, trying to figure out were he was, but soon gave up and laid under a hollowed out log, hoping someone would find him. It seemed like hours, but was really only 15, 20 minutes, when a patrol of Mistclan warriors entered the scene.

◦ The warriors talked to him and one of them grabbed him and took him to the clan camp and gave him to the healer, who checked him out. He was healthy over-all, a little dehydrated and hungry perhaps, but healthy. He was then given to a queen and was given food. After a few days, the kit was renamed as Sharpkit. Now a member of Mistclan.

◦ Sharpnose will grow up to be a very curious cat, and have a very sharp nose, that will get him in trouble more then one time, and yet it helps in times of need. But he is loyal to his adopted home and Mother and the Ancestors. He would rather be tortured and killed before told anyone about his home and religion. Over-all he may have been born a kitty-pet, but he has the heart of a warrior.

◦ Sharpnose is a reddish-brown tom-cat with yellow-green eyes. He has medium length fur, and a muscular build underneath.
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